[INFO] Change to .mk files

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[INFO] Change to .mk files

Postby Giovanni » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:02 pm


Currently each .mk file exports two variables xxxSRC and xxxINC that are then assigned to CSRC and INCDIR. The problem is that for each .mk file added or removed then CSRC and INCDIR have to be edited too.

What if we make the following change:
- Each .mk file ADDS its files/directories to the same MKSRC, MKASM and MKINC variables (appending).
- In the makefile just $(MKSRC) is assigned to CSRC and $(MKINC) is assigned to INCDIR.

This would make things easier, just adding/removing .mk files would be sufficient to change the project.

Second idea:
- Add a special source.mk file that, when included, recursively adds to MKSRC/MKINC everything placed in the ./source project subdirectory, everything placed in there would be added to the project and compiled without need to change the makefile at all. It should be convenient for importing large source sets.

Any drawback in this? more ideas?

The only drawback I can see is the need to update all existing makefiles.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Change to .mk files

Postby steved » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:22 pm

Giovanni wrote:What if we make the following change:
- Each .mk file ADDS its files/directories to the same MKSRC, MKASM and MKINC variables (appending).
- In the makefile just $(MKSRC) is assigned to CSRC and $(MKINC) is assigned to INCDIR.

Seems a good idea to me - I've already used this technique with some success, and it reduces the number of entries to update in the master makefile when a new block of code (e.g. a library) is being added.

Giovanni wrote:Second idea:
- Add a special source.mk file that, when included, recursively adds to MKSRC/MKINC everything placed in the ./source project subdirectory, everything placed in there would be added to the project and compiled without need to change the makefile at all. It should be convenient for importing large source sets.

I already use another development environment which works this way, and find it a very mixed blessing. The biggest downside is that there's no way to exclude a source file without changing its extension - fail to do this and it typically results in multiply-defined symbols etc, which usually require a clean to resolve (no fun when the rebuild takes half an hour!). On the other hand, its then clear as to which source-class files are actually being included in the build.

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Re: [INFO] Change to .mk files

Postby Giovanni » Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:49 pm

The change to the .mk files has been implemented, now both the old and the new system can be used. The "global" make variables are named ALLCSRC, ALLINC, ALLASM, ALLCPPSRC etc.

Demos still use the old makefiles, I will need to do a mass update.


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Re: [INFO] Change to .mk files

Postby Giovanni » Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:43 am

This is an example of new makefile, note that now it is just required to include the .mk file and the source is added to the appropriate variables, there is also the (optional) inclusion of autobuild.h that recursively includes in the project everything placed under ./source with extension .c, .cpp, .s and .S, directories are also added to the paths.

Code: Select all

# Build global options
# NOTE: Can be overridden externally.

# Compiler options here.
ifeq ($(USE_OPT),)
  USE_OPT = -O2 -ggdb -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=16

# C specific options here (added to USE_OPT).
ifeq ($(USE_COPT),)

# C++ specific options here (added to USE_OPT).
ifeq ($(USE_CPPOPT),)
  USE_CPPOPT = -fno-rtti

# Enable this if you want the linker to remove unused code and data
ifeq ($(USE_LINK_GC),)
  USE_LINK_GC = yes

# Linker extra options here.
ifeq ($(USE_LDOPT),)

# Enable this if you want link time optimizations (LTO)
ifeq ($(USE_LTO),)
  USE_LTO = yes

# If enabled, this option allows to compile the application in THUMB mode.
ifeq ($(USE_THUMB),)
  USE_THUMB = yes

# Enable this if you want to see the full log while compiling.

# If enabled, this option makes the build process faster by not compiling
# modules not used in the current configuration.
ifeq ($(USE_SMART_BUILD),)

# Build global options

# Architecture or project specific options

# Stack size to be allocated to the Cortex-M process stack. This stack is
# the stack used by the main() thread.

# Stack size to the allocated to the Cortex-M main/exceptions stack. This
# stack is used for processing interrupts and exceptions.

# Enables the use of FPU (no, softfp, hard).
ifeq ($(USE_FPU),)
  USE_FPU = no

# Architecture or project specific options

# Project, sources and paths

# Define project name here

# Imported source files and paths
CHIBIOS  := ../../../..
CONFDIR  := ./cfg-stm32l476_discovery
BUILDDIR := ./build-stm32l476_discovery
DEPDIR   := ./.dep-stm32l476_discovery

# Licensing files.
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/license/license.mk
# Startup files.
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/startup_stm32l4xx.mk
# HAL-OSAL files (optional).
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/hal.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/ports/STM32/STM32L4xx/platform.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/boards/ST_STM32L476_DISCOVERY/board.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/osal/rt/osal.mk
# RTOS files (optional).
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/rt/rt.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/port_v7m.mk
# Auto-build files in ./source recursively.
include $(CHIBIOS)/tools/mk/autobuild.mk
# Other files (optional).
include $(CHIBIOS)/test/lib/test.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/test/mfs/mfs_test.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/ex/Micron/m25q.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/lib/complex/mfs/mfs.mk
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/lib/streams/streams.mk

# Define linker script file here

# C sources that can be compiled in ARM or THUMB mode depending on the global
# setting.
       $(TESTSRC) \
       $(CONFDIR)/portab.c \

# C++ sources that can be compiled in ARM or THUMB mode depending on the global
# setting.

# C sources to be compiled in ARM mode regardless of the global setting.
# NOTE: Mixing ARM and THUMB mode enables the -mthumb-interwork compiler
#       option that results in lower performance and larger code size.

# C++ sources to be compiled in ARM mode regardless of the global setting.
# NOTE: Mixing ARM and THUMB mode enables the -mthumb-interwork compiler
#       option that results in lower performance and larger code size.

# C sources to be compiled in THUMB mode regardless of the global setting.
# NOTE: Mixing ARM and THUMB mode enables the -mthumb-interwork compiler
#       option that results in lower performance and larger code size.

# C sources to be compiled in THUMB mode regardless of the global setting.
# NOTE: Mixing ARM and THUMB mode enables the -mthumb-interwork compiler
#       option that results in lower performance and larger code size.

# List ASM source files here


# Project, sources and paths

# Start of user section

# List all user C define here, like -D_DEBUG=1

# Define ASM defines here

# List all user directories here

# List the user directory to look for the libraries here

# List all user libraries here

# End of user section

# Compiler settings

MCU  = cortex-m4

#TRGT = arm-elf-
TRGT = arm-none-eabi-
CC   = $(TRGT)gcc
CPPC = $(TRGT)g++
# Enable loading with g++ only if you need C++ runtime support.
# NOTE: You can use C++ even without C++ support if you are careful. C++
#       runtime support makes code size explode.
LD   = $(TRGT)gcc
#LD   = $(TRGT)g++
CP   = $(TRGT)objcopy
AS   = $(TRGT)gcc -x assembler-with-cpp
AR   = $(TRGT)ar
OD   = $(TRGT)objdump
SZ   = $(TRGT)size
HEX  = $(CP) -O ihex
BIN  = $(CP) -O binary

# ARM-specific options here

# THUMB-specific options here
TOPT = -mthumb -DTHUMB

# Define C warning options here
CWARN = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes

# Define C++ warning options here
CPPWARN = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef

# Compiler settings

RULESPATH = $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC
include $(RULESPATH)/rules.mk

Old makefiles continue to work too.


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